Ranking - Players
# Name Class C Level Level Str Dex Int Con Location
4101 Daeva 1 90 227 425 215 205 Tomb of Theos
4102 TeaSSs 1 90 461 158 158 305 Juno
4103 Yatto 1 90 158 305 461 158 Juno
4104 oJWo 1 90 285 138 138 285 Tomb of Theos
4105 kikaaaa 1 90 138 191 349 234 Tomb of Theos
4106 Saradoom 1 90 138 753 597 180 Tomb of Theos
4107 heln1 1 90 197 226 244 175 Juno
4108 Shiro 1 90 128 344 344 236 Juno
4109 Contractor 1 90 444 168 138 331 Tomb of Theos
4110 Hansi 1 90 138 285 285 138 Juno
4111 rktry 1 90 364 175 234 185 Juno
4112 OKUMA 1 90 360 205 264 245 Juno
4113 inoel 1 90 168 285 491 138 Strayana
4114 Gruffty 1 90 369 221 263 211 Egeha
4115 Assassine 1 90 214 444 138 146 Strayana
4116 xXD4RKXx 1 90 128 348 573 239 Strayana
4117 broccaferro 1 90 128 344 344 472 Juno
4118 Ballert 1 90 244 521 244 146 Strayana
4119 MISTY 1 90 128 344 344 236 Strayana
4120 BLABLABLA2 1 90 138 285 521 138 Tomb of Theos
4121 Dual 1 90 148 725 595 200 Juno
4122 SpawNy 1 90 138 191 515 234 Tomb of Theos
4123 Kamiikaze 1 90 264 315 304 216 Tomb of Theos
4124 eeeee 1 90 138 248 536 160 Tomb of Theos
4125 Specialist 1 90 138 782 400 175 Tomb of Theos
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