Ranking - Players
# Name Class C Level Level Str Dex Int Con Location
2976 Lissandra 1 104 152 252 521 183 Tomb of Theos
2977 Test24235 1 104 292 413 352 190 Juno
2978 LagerBlest 1 104 142 386 386 264 Tomb of Theos
2979 Moria 1 104 272 543 292 190 Tomb of Theos
2980 be4stModus 1 104 422 189 262 199 Juno
2981 OCEAN 1 104 486 182 152 240 Tomb of Theos
2982 KileaNS 1 104 142 386 671 264 Tomb of Theos
2983 ThePhenx 1 104 272 189 262 199 Juno
2984 Waigan 1 104 402 229 262 199 Juno
2985 Saipex 1 104 152 892 473 189 Tomb of Theos
2986 Nazgul 1 104 142 386 386 264 Dratan
2987 ThePheNx 1 104 228 386 152 160 Juno
2988 MoveBiatsch 1 104 301 407 152 160 Juno
2989 Ipower 1 104 152 260 634 169 Juno
2990 lutti 1 104 152 333 548 182 Juno
2991 OneSword 1 104 392 239 312 229 Juno
2992 Fairy 1 104 172 260 556 227 Juno
2993 PureTitan 1 104 523 172 152 333 Dratan
2994 l337 1 104 152 882 557 189 Juno
2995 xL34NDROx 1 104 284 426 162 290 Juno
2996 MAGMASTER 1 104 152 265 622 152 Juno
2997 Dicker 1 104 503 182 182 343 Juno
2998 Bigmama 1 104 152 313 313 152 Tomb of Theos
2999 BraBaBoon 1 104 301 509 172 180 Tomb of Theos
3000 Legion 1 104 142 386 629 278 Juno
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